Blog Post

Remote working The new 'Normal'

  • by Chris Bowen
  • 14 Apr, 2020

Celebrating remote working successes...

Person using a laptop on a beach
Remote working is now the new 'Normal' and continues to deliver value.
A quick note to shout a bit about the successes that we at Loopsquare are grateful for being part of at this unparalleled time in our lives...

As long term remote working or "Remote First" becomes the new normal businesses all over the world are beginning see the benefits and overcome the challenges that have been brought about as large parts of their work force work from their own homes.

Michael Pajak, an Equal Experts engagement manager working with John Lewis & Partners recently posted an article highlighting the increased benefits that have been seen, and we at Loopsquare are proud to be part of this success. 

Using (sometimes adapted) Agile techniques and the right technologies we have been able to work with Equal Experts to help maintain and even improve output, whilst not compromising quality and indeed our health and happiness. 

Read the Full Article here
by Chris Bowen 26 May 2019
The final part of the blog from the TedX London conference on 18th May 2019.
by Chris Bowen 19 May 2019
On Saturday the 18th May was privileged to attend TEDx London 2019 at the Royal Festival Hall in London. I found it both enlightening and motivating here are some of the messages...
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